Vinyasa Workshop
mit Keith Borden
Freitag, 07. Juni 2013
12:00 Uhr
Discover your power
Samstag, 08. Juni 2013
19:30 Uhr
Samstag, 08. Juni 2013
21:15 Uhr
Sonntag, 09. Juni 2013
13:00 Uhr
Devotion & Backbending
Discover your power
Samstag, 08. Juni 2013 17:00 - 19:30 Uhr
Samstag, 08. Juni 2013 19:45 - 21:15 Uhr
Sonntag, 09. Juni 2013 10:30 - 13:00 Uhr
Devotion & Backbending
Friday, 07.06.2013
18:30 - 20:00 h | Vinyasa Class
Open to all levels.
Saturday, 08.06.2013
10:30 - 12:00 h | Discover your power
Focus on subtle body strength. A nice pre-class for anyone who plans to invert later in the day.
Open to all levels.
17:00 - 19:30 h | Inversions
An afternoon of playful exploration through inversions, arm balances, and gravity defying fun. Working solo, with partners, and in small groups we will tap into our truest nature and become LIGHT itself. Familiar shapes will move away from the wall, unfamiliar shapes will spark new curiosities, and the known and unknown will change places.
Open to all levels.
19:45 - 21:15 h | Kirtan
Chanting and listening for everyone (not only yogis).
Sunday, 09.06.2013
10:30 - 13:00 h | Devotion & Backbending
Our heart can feel very small, but its potential is bigger than the mind can fathom. Opening to this vastness is frightening. Devotion is the first step on the journey of opening our heart. Through this commitment fear begins to subside and is replaced by joy and compassion. In this 2.5 hour masterclass we will explore back-bending as means to step out of the darkness of fear into the light of the awakened heart or bodhicitta.
Open to all levels.
Keith Borden
I am consistently turned on by the stillness within movement, the silence hidden in sound, and the esoteric in the everyday. I love to practice yoga, and sharing this practice that I love for the last has been a terrific gift. I´m very lurcky. I have great teachers in my life - Jasmine Tarkeshi, Dana Flynn, David Robson, David Gellineau, Manorama, and Rabbi Joseph Gellberman - and being a student is one of the best parts of the yoga practice. I have had the unique experience of working closely with and learning directly from my teachers for the last 10 years, and I continue to learn through the transformative process of self-reflection and the creative dialogue of teaching. The classes I offer, are energetic and balanced, and are infused with playfullness and creativity. I strive to live, breathe, and offer the devotion-rich yoga that comes out of my daily home practice. I´m a singer, kirtan wallah, a bhakti yogi, and an interfaith minister. I always chant with my classes, and occasionally I play and sing during savasana. I love to experiment in my practice, and years of Muay Thai, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong have taught me that all movement is healing and complementary to my sadhana or spiritual work. My goal is to hold a space that fosters inner quiet, true strength, and a healthy joyous spirit where students can re-unite with and REJOICE in their true self.